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I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful site. It is very difficult to get a straight answer about weight or health related issues in this fad diet and guru-saturated time. On my own, over the course of a year I lost twenty pounds that I had gained in college. However, I still wasn't happy - I wanted to lose another ten, and I also lived in fear of regaining the pounds that I had lost. Upping the ante on my exercise committment seemed to have no effect, and every now and again my weight seemed to creep up or down with no explanation. I have only been on your site for a little over a month - but in that time I have lost 5 pounds. More importantly I have gained a piece of mind that I seriously feared I would never have again. I recently went on vacation, and felt secure in the knowledge that I could make the right choices so that I could indulge a bit, but not set back my weight loss gains. This was such a relief!! I can't even remember the last vacation I took where I actually *enjoyed* myself in this manner. I honestly love that I can eat what I want without feeling guilty, and without worrying about gaining. I recommend this site without qualms, and so far five different people I know have signed on and love it. Thank you.
Tracey Berger 5/20/2003
I came across fatburn.com when I was looking for the calorie count of pasta in March, 2003. I have been with fatburn.com since then and lost 17 pounds and I'm still losing more weight. I have always been underweight until I developed hypothyroidism 6 years ago. Since then I have put on more than 50 pounds. When I started at fatburn.com I weighed 147. I am 42, small boned, and am 5'0" tall. I tried many other methods of shedding the weight and none have been as successful as fatburn.com and Tom Williams. Tom has taught me how to rethink about my eating habits as well as how the body works during exercising and burning the extra fat. I am now at 130lbs. and continuing to lose weight as well as toning my body. Thank you Tom for all the great and healthy advice as well as my new lifestyle of exercise and feeling great!
Cindy Smithson
Cindy Smithson 5/7/2003
I am, for the first time in 14 years, going to work out and be accountable for getting healthy and be my physical best. I will be working out at a franchise called Curves for Women, six days a week. I know using your program will make a difference. I will take a before photo. Hopefully, I can help my friends and associates see how using your program will help me see my progress daily. The fact that I have a very small bone structure will make the results extremely visible. I am sitting at approximately at 35% plus body fat. Fourteen years ago I was 12% body fat. This was established/measure by underwater tanks at Sid Richards Institute of Preventative Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, here in Houston, Texas. When I started workout and dieting 15 years ago my body fat was 35% plus and I had it measured the same way at the Kenneth Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. I look forward to the results! I will reach my goal for my 45th birthday on April 24th, 2003.
Josephine 1/7/2003
I'm back to fatburn! I just wanted to say Thank you for creating a site that is in turn a sort of safety net. I went on fatburn.com 2 years ago and lost 20 lbs! I kept it off for over a year. Due to falling in love, a career change, and a move, well, I started to gain my weight back. See, life is life...it's not perfect and nor are we as people. You’re not going to be perfect ALL THE TIME. Thankfully, I knew, when I wanted and when I was willing, that I could go on fatburn.com again and whip myself into shape because, I KNOW FATBURN WORKS. I did it. It will always be there for me, like the doctor, when you have the flew, he prescribes you some medicine, and reminds you to drink lots of fluid and rest...things we all know, but just need to be reminded. Thanks Tom Williams and Fatburn.com for giving me a safety net, it's just what the doctor ordered, my 2nd day back and I already feel GREAT!
Tracey 6/25/2002
I just want to say THANK YOU!!!! My neice is Tamara Pennington and she recommended this site. I had some success with Weight Watchers but couldn't budge after getting down to 196. I'm tall...6 feet and lift weights so I figured that maybe my muscle gained more, but my hips are still big so I knew I had to lose more.
I feel so educated on this site and am sooooo much more aware of what is going on with me food wise and burning calorie wise.
I've lost a lot of pounds my first week and am looking forward to much success in the weeks to come!
Thanks again....Becky White
Becky White 6/18/2002
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